Low libido

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Low libido

Low libido, also known as low sexual desire, refers to a diminished motivation to engage in sexual activity. 

Desire can be either spontaneous or responsive. Spontaneous desire is similar to what men experience, where there is an internal stimulus or feeling of arousal that drives the desire for sex. On the other hand, responsive desire occurs in response to a partner’s advances, akin to when one may not initially feel hungry, but upon trying a dish, suddenly realizes they have been starving all day.

While internal desire is possible, it is not as common. Simply waiting for desire to arise may lead to a lack of sexual activity and desire. Sometimes, one needs to take action and engage in sexual activity to awaken desire, just like how appetite comes with eating.

Risk Factors

Several factors can influence low libido, including life conditions and medical issues. Stress at work, exhaustion from caring for a newborn, looming deadlines, and relationship issues can all play a role in dampening sexual desire. Additionally, certain medical conditions that affect sexual performance, such as recent surgeries, vaginal dryness, and pelvic pain, can contribute to a decrease in sexual desire. 

Another condition that can affect sexual desire is Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD), which caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, hindering the transition from “survival mode” (focusing on daily responsibilities) to “reproductive mode” (feeling relaxed and engaged in sexual activity).


Fortunately, there are various treatment options for low libido. Managing stress, understanding current life conditions, and seeking guidance from a sexual therapist can be beneficial. Additionally, there are medications specifically approved to treat low sexual desire in women, such as Flibanserin (Addyi®) and Bremelanotide (Vyleesi®). While these drugs are not yet approved for postmenopausal women, they have shown promising results in addressing low libido. Off-label treatments, such as Bupropion (Wellbutrin®), Buspirone, and Testosterone, have also been used to help manage low libido in some cases. 


The key is to identify the underlying factors contributing to low libido and work with healthcare professionals to find the most suitable and effective treatment approach.

Schedule an Appointment​

If you’re interested in learning more about your options for Low Libido treatments, your first step is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Dubinskaya. To get started, contact our office by calling 424-210-9030 or filling out our online form.

MEET Dr. Alexandra Dubinskaya

A leader in women’s sexual health

Dr. Alexandra Dubinskaya is a board-certified, fellowship-trained Urogynecologist and Sexual Health specialist whose mission is to enhance women’s quality of life by improving their pelvic and sexual health. Dr. Dubinskaya’s focus is on making a difference in people’s lives through state-of-the-art, compassionate, and personally tailored care.

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